
BCHPA Annual Membership - Select One

Section One Membership - Options will be listed below

(+ $0.00 fee)

BeesCene Subscription Only

Receive our quarterly publication, BeesCene, by mail for one year.

(+ $0.00 fee)

$5,000,000 BCHPA Group Liability Insurance

For Members Only: Co-Operators General Insurance Company developed this policy exclusively for the members of the BC Honey Producers Association through our insurance agent.

This inexpensive group plan was designed specifically to provide liability coverage for honey producing operations where coverage would normally be excluded under the farm liability or any personal liability. Besides the normal coverage that the standard Comprehensive General Liability, Farm Liability or Personal liability policy provides, this certificate covers the commercial aspect of honey producing operations which might result in personal injury or property damage to a third party due to negligence and includes such coverage as Fungi & Fungi Derivatives, Forest Fire Fighting Expense and Vendors Liability. This policy does not cover operations in the United States.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Forest Fire Fighting Expenses Endorsement – $1 Million Liability

For Members Only: If you are moving your hives into the forests to take advantage of the fireweed and other mountain vegetation you should invest another $105.00 to have a $1,000,000.00 extra rider for the Forest Fire Fighting Expenses Endorsement.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Forest Fire Fighting Expenses Endorsement – $2 Million Liability

For Membersh Only: If you are moving your hives into the forests to take advantage of the fireweed and other mountain vegetation you should invest another $136.00 to have a $2,000,000.00 extra rider for the Forest Fire Fighting Expenses Endorsement.

(+ $0.00 fee)

Donation to BHW Trust Foundation

The purpose of the BHW Foundation is to support education regarding honey bees and to support apiculture research. The BHW Foundation Constitution permits funding of an undergraduate course in apiculture, the provision a bursary or scholarship for either undergraduates in apiculture or graduates undertaking research in apiculture, or the funding of research projects in apiculture based within a College or University. Donations are tax-deductible and a receipt will be issued.

Donation to BC Tech Transfer Program

The BC Tech Transfer Program is a Non Profit Organization on a Mission to Promote Honey Bee Health & Productivity, and to Advance the Sustainability of the Beekeeping Industry in British Columbia through Research, Education and Knowledge Transfer.

Donation to BCHPA Educational Programs

BCHPA is committed to providing current and relevant educational content and best practices to benefit BC beekeepers and the beekeeping industry.

Total: $0.00

Select Membership Type:

BCHPA Membership is available for BC and Yukon residents ONLY. All Members (except for Associate Members) have the privilege to vote and stand for executive office. Membership includes publications (BeesCene & Hivelights) plus member discounts. 

Membership Options

Membership Options

Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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